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Delphi XE2 Indy IRC Unicode

Is it possible to get there unicode support? Right now on IdIRC1PrivateMessage i have '?' Thanks for help.

procedure TForm1.IdIRC1PrivateMessage(ASender : TIdContext;
const ANicknameFrom, AHost, ANicknameTo, AMessage : unicodestring);

  Memo1.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(Time) + ': ' + ANicknameFrom + ':  ' + AMessage);

Indy version: When i will send message in mIRC eg 'żźć' i will get "???" in delphi


  • The IRC protocol itself does not provide any provisions for Unicode. mIRC implements Unicode by using UTF-8 where applicable (see this article).

    TIdIRC does not natively support Unicode. However, you can manually tell TIdIRC to encode/decode data using UTF-8 by setting the TIdIOHandler.DefStringEncoding property to IndyUTF8Encoding after connecting, or by setting the global IdGlobal.GIdDefaultTextEncoding variable to encUTF8 (it is set to encASCII by default). I make no guarantee that it will work correctly in all situations though (particularly during CTC/DCC operations).