special characters in lowercase letters in a word, failing. sample:
name = [name lowercaseString];
2013-06-24 23:32:11.590 Player[12739:907] BİLİYORSUN..
2013-06-24 23:32:11.590 Player[12739:907] bi̇li̇yorsun..
2013-06-24 23:36:09.504 Player[12739:907] İTÜ
2013-06-24 23:36:09.505 Player[12739:907] i̇tü
"i" "İ" seem distorted letters. What should I do? thanks.
the output is supposed to be this way: the right thing
2013-06-24 23:36:09.505 Player[12739:907] itü
2013-06-24 23:32:11.590 Player[12739:907] biliyorsun..
You should reference the UTF-8 char table found here. This seems to be normal behavior, as your capital and lowercase 'İ' both are of the type 'I with Grave'.