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SQLCompare SDK using more than the default options

I want to use SQLCompare as part of a project to generate a script for upgrading databases. I have a set of options that should be included when I go to register the database, but I don't know how to combine the options. I'd like to send more than just the default options.

Basic Goal:

Dim db as New RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database
Dim options as RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Options
db.Register(New ConnectionProperties(server, dbname, user, password), options)

I've tried using a plus sign options = options + Optins.IgnoreWhiteSpace
and logical or options = options OR Optins.IgnoreWhiteSpace,
but I get an error saying the operator isn't valid for type RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Options.

Based on what I've found online (such as here:, what I am doing should work.

I have included references to RedGate.Shared.SQL, RedGate.Shared.Utils, both versions, and RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine, version

So am I typing code wrong, or do I have something setup wrong?


  • The answer is to use the Plus() method, as in options.Plus(Options.IgnoreWhiteSpace)

    I used Intellisense to see if I could chain options together, so I just hit . and started reading.

    Apparently walking away for lunch was all I needed to do to figure it out.