I need to get the length of a string value in MongoDB using aggregation functions.
it works in
but when implanted to
$group :
_id : 1,
app_downloads : {$sum: "$app_downloads"}
I got this result:
failed: exception: $where is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression
The question is: is it possible to use $where in aggregation functions? or is there any way of getting the length of a string value in aggregation function?
Thanks in advance Eric
MongoDB doesn't support $where in aggregation pipeline and hope this will never happen, because JavaScript slows things down. Never the less, you still have options:
1) Мaintain additional field(e.g. app_name_len) than will store app_name length and query it, when needed.
2) You can try extremely slow MapReduce framework, where you allowed to write aggregations with JavaScript.