Search code examples

Selecting a row if it has all related options in a related table

Given a table definition:

 art_id | name  
  1     | article1
  2     | article2
  3     | article3

  tag_id | description
   1     | Scientific
   2     | Long
   3     | Short

  art_id | tag_id
   1     | 1
   1     | 2
   2     | 1
   2     | 3
   3     | 1
   3     | 2
   3     | 3

The question is How to select all articles that are BOTH Scientific and Short?

Please note, it should be general for [2.N) tag combinations...


  • You can use the following query to get the result:

    select a.art_id,
    from articles a
    inner join article_tags at
      on a.art_id = at.art_id
    inner join tags t
      on at.tag_id = t.tag_id
    where t.description in ('Short', 'Scientific')  -- tags here
    group by a.art_id,
    having count(distinct t.tag_id) = 2 -- total count of tags here

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo

    Or this could be written:

    select a.art_id,
    from articles a
    inner join article_tags at
      on a.art_id = at.art_id
    inner join tags t
      on at.tag_id = t.tag_id
    group by a.art_id,
      sum(case when t.description = 'Short' then 1 else 0 end) >= 1 and
      sum(case when t.description = 'Scientific' then 1 else 0 end) >= ;

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

    If you just want to return the article id, then you could just query the article_tag table:

    select art_id
    from article_tags
    where tag_id in (1, 3)
    group by art_id
    having count(distinct tag_id) = 2

    See SQL Fiddle with Demo