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Set selected value of typeahead

I am using the twitter bootstrap typeahead.

I have customized the typehead so I can select a pair value/label


    _med=new Object()


//Fill typeahead with data
    // note that "value" is the default setting for the property option
    onselect: function(obj) { showdetails(obj) }

How can I set the selected value using Javascript ?

For exemple $("#mytypehead").val(43);


  • According to the typeahead.js documentation on GitHub (which is much more detailed than the bootstrap-typeahead.js docs in Twitter Bootstrap):

    jQuery#typeahead('setQuery', query)

    Sets the current query of the typeahead. This is always preferable to using $("input.typeahead").val(query), which will result in unexpected behavior. To clear the query, simply set it to an empty string.

    2016 Update (setQuery does not exist anymore) :

    jQuery#typeahead('val', val) Sets the value of the typeahead. This should be used in place of jQuery#val.

    $('.typeahead').typeahead('val', myVal);

    New documentation here