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c# zedgraph: how to use the cursor property?

in ZedGraph, when you mouse over a graph, the cursor changes from the default pointer to a crosshair. i'd prefer the cursor remain the default pointer. but changing it, e.g.

zedGraphControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

has no effect either in the designer or in the code.

interesting, i can add:

zedGraphControl1.UseWaitCursor = true;

and it will show an hourglass when over the control. but the following:

zedGraphControl1.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

does not. btw, i'm adding that line into one of the ZedGraph demo programs so i know the program works otherweise. ideas appreciated.


  • Use the following:

    zedGraphControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Default;