I see there's win32process.GetWindowThreadProcess()
that gets a window handler and returns it's process id. Is there a way to do the opposite: get the window handler of a running process by it's process id? Something like win32gui.GetWindowHandler(processId)
Specifically What I'm trying to do:
I have a python script that runs an external program, lets say notepad.exe.
Notepad is fired when runProgram()
method is called. I want to prevent this method from running Notepad more than once. I accomplish this in the following way, using win32process:
import win32process as process
import sys
PORTABLE_APPLICATION_LOCATION = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe"
processHandler = -1
def runProgram():
global processHandler
#don't run a process more than once
if (isLiveProcess(processHandler)):
#Bring focus back to running window!
startObj = process.STARTUPINFO()
myProcessTuple = process.CreateProcess(PORTABLE_APPLICATION_LOCATION,None,None,None,8,8,None,None,startObj)
processHandler = myProcessTuple[2]
def isLiveProcess(processHandler): #Process handler is dwProcessId
processList = process.EnumProcesses()
for aProcess in processList:
if (aProcess == processHandler):
return True
return False
This works as expected, but if the process is found to be already alive, I'd like to bring it's window back to front with win32gui
I dont think that Windows API provides a method for this , but you could iterate over all open windows , and find the one that belongs to you .
I have modified your program so it looks like this :
import win32process
import win32process as process
import win32gui
import sys
PORTABLE_APPLICATION_LOCATION = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe"
processHandler = -1
def callback(hwnd, procid):
if procid in win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd):
def show_window_by_process(procid):
win32gui.EnumWindows(callback, procid)
def runProgram():
global processHandler
#don't run a process more than once
if (isLiveProcess(processHandler)):
#Bring focus back to running window!
startObj = process.STARTUPINFO()
myProcessTuple = process.CreateProcess(PORTABLE_APPLICATION_LOCATION,None,None,None,8,8,None,None,startObj)
processHandler = myProcessTuple[2]
def isLiveProcess(processHandler): #Process handler is dwProcessId
processList = process.EnumProcesses()
for aProcess in processList:
if (aProcess == processHandler):
return True
return False