Let's say I have
e1 :: Event t A
f :: A -> IO B
I want to create
e2 :: Event t B
which is triggered by e1
, and whose values are determined by executing f
on the value of e1
at the time of the event occurrence.
I see two potential ways to do this, via dynamic event switching and using handlers, but they both look too complicated for such a simple thing.
What is the proper way to do this?
Since the function f
has a side effect, this is actually not a simple thing to do. The main reason is that the order of side effects is not well-defined when there are multiple simultaneous events. More generally, I was unable to conceive a good semantics for dealing with IO actions in events. Consequently, reactive-banana does not provide a pure combinator for this situation.
If you want to do this anyway, you have to use a more elaborate mechanism that also determines the order of side effects. For instance, you can use reactimate
and write a combinator
mapIO :: Frameworks t => (a -> IO b) -> Event t a -> Moment t (Event t b)
mapIO f e1 = do
(e2, fire2) <- liftIO newAddHandler
reactimate $ (\x -> f x >>= fire2) <$> e1
fromAddHandler e2
However, note that this may give unexpected results as the result event e2
is no longer simultaneous with the input event e1
. For instance, behaviors may have changed and other side effects may have been executed.