I use fb_graph
to create a post in facebook account. It works fine.
me = FbGraph::User.me(session[:fb_token])
me.feed!( :message => 'This is test message', :link => 'http://site.com', :name => 'Sports', :description => "Manish placed a bet on India vs England on Sports.com")
But Now, I need to post a story in facebook using fb_graph
API. Can any buddy help!
Like in iOs: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/tutorials/ios-sdk-tutorial/publish-open-graph-story/
and in ruby gem fb_graph
I found some code related with Story:
It means fb_graph
should support open-graph
It's given in their wiki
# Publish an activity
action = me.og_action!(
app.og_action(:custom_action), # or simply "APP_NAMESPACE:ACTION" as String
:custom_object => 'http://samples.ogp.me/264755040233381'