I grails i m trying to fetch a lookup value from the database and i want to list a list of single column value that is "Value" column .
private Static Final String Custom = "Custom" //lie in class Constants
LookUp.createCriteria.list() {
this listing was like select ,
how can i make this query into
Select Value from LookUp where Type = 'Custom'
i want my grails query to return me a single query result like the sql. I want to bind it to a list box?
My bad this do all the trick , private Static Final String Custom = "Custom" //lie in class Constants //LookupTypeEnum is Enum collection implementation class if don't have it simply you can replace it with your value ="Custom" or a variable Constants.Custom
LookUp.createCriteria.list() {
projections { //projection does the trick
It's equivalent SQl select query is :
select value from lookup where type='custom' ;