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Multiple Ajax calls liferay portlets

I am having liferay portlet and I need to heavily depend upon the AJAX calls. So I need to make multiple calls to serveResource method. One way to do the same is that I can pass a parameter with the URL and then differentiate the request according to that parameter.

But in my case I have to call serveResource so many times due to which the method will be difficult to maintain. Is there any framework to do so? Using which the code becomes maintainable.


  • Use Spring MVC framework and call different method based on your business logic/user action in controller,

    Try below code in jsp

    <portlet:resourceURL var="loadContents" id="loadContents"></portlet:resourceURL>
    <portlet:resourceURL var="loadCategories" id="loadCategories"></portlet:resourceURL>

    ajax call in jsp

            function(A) {            
                        function(aui) {
              "<%=loadContents%>", {
                            autoLoad : false,
                            cache : false,
                            dataType : 'json',
                            on : {
                                success : function(event, id, xhr) {
                                    var response = this.get('responseData');
                                     // add logic here after response

    in controller/ java class

        public void loadCategories(final ResourceRequest resourceRequest, final ResourceResponse resourceResponse)
             // your business logic goes here
        public void loadContents(final ResourceRequest resourceRequest, final ResourceResponse resourceResponse)
             // your business logic goes here

    hope above code snippets will help you and you get what you were looking for!!!