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Use variables in Bot::BasicBot constructor

I'm using Bot::BasicBot to write a bot that logs chat. I have a config hashref that looks like this:

my $config = {  
    cryptokey => "a" x 32,  
    nickpass => "password",  
    nick => "loggerbot",  
    server => '',  
    port => 6697,  
    ssl => 1  

I have a separate config file that I use to read custom options into the hashref. I have tested it, and they read in correctly. However, when I add the items into the constructor


server => $config->{server},
port   => $config->{port},
ssl => $config->{ssl},
channels => ["#test"],

nick      => "$config->{nick}",
username => "loggerbot",
quit_message => "shutting down"

The bot does not connect or even time out. It works if I omit the variables and just put the values directly in. What am I doing wrong?


  • I figured it out using Data::Dumper. It turned out I forgot to chomp each line as I was reading in the config file, so the variables had newlines at the end.