I am a newbie to codeigniter and so far I have been doing great in developing my first application. However, when I tried to integrate CI_MERCHANT library to the site I am getting redirected to paypal just fine and I can even complete the transaction successfully and get redirected to my website. However, I am stuck on how to verify the "hidden information" sent by paypal to my application in addition to extracting this information and posting it to the database.
in my controller I have this:
public function place_order($id=NULL){
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) // validation hasn't been passed
else // passed validation proceed to post success logic
// build array for the model
//get the last inserted id
//payment for order
$params = array(
'amount' => 100.00,
'currency' => 'USD',
'return_url' => 'http://localhost/customers/order/paypal',
'cancel_url' => 'http://localhost/customers/order'
public function paypal(){
$params = array(
'amount' => 100.00,
'currency' => 'USD',
if ($response->status() == Merchant_response::AUTHORIZED)
echo "status is AUTHORIZED";
if ($response->status() == Merchant_response::FAILED)
echo "status is FAILED";
if ($response->status() == Merchant_response::REDIRECT)
echo "status is REDIRECT";
if ($response->status() == Merchant_response::COMPLETE)
echo "status is COMPLETE";
if ($response->status() == Merchant_response::REFUNDED)
echo "status is REFUNDED";
This redirects me successfully to paypal and I can complete the transaction. However, I am unable to proceed from here since I am a newbie to payment processing. Kindly point me in the right direction on how to: 1. Verify every transaction with paypal and be able to visualize and post this information to my database. 2. Compare the information I posted to the database prior to redirecting the customer to paypal with what I receive from paypal.
You need to call the purchase_return() method when the customer is sent to your return_url. This will confirm the transaction with PayPal.