Is there any existing Filemaker version control solutions available? I'm working on two diverging FM projects that share scripts and custom functions. Updating both FM files is becoming a nightmare. Does anybody know of any solutions or have any advice for me?
I heard that people use github to manage text versions of Filemaker custom functions. I was wondering how people typically use these text base repositories with their FM files. Is there a way to import these text functions? Or if you have to manually manage these functions though the FM function interface and the use of text files are just a way to share them. Just being able to push custom function changes both FM files would greatly reduce my problems.
Correct, it is possible to import Scripts into a FileMaker solution. There is no way to share selected attributes of one FileMaker solution, with another. Deleting scripts in a database to import new scripts will lose assoication with the object set-up to trigger the script.
Replication is possible with a FileMaker solution, however this will obviously generate identical solutions.
Opening two or more same/similar solutions in the same FileMaker Pro client can cause confusion and caution should be taken.
FileMaker is not as modular as OOP applications. Something I have long requested for re-usability, but unfortunately the only method to consistently share features is to manually implement them into a file. We have tried imports of data, custom functions, etc, but found double entry the most reliable method following a change management procedure.
Depending on your application, it maybe possible to implement the data separation model, however I would need to understand the scenario to advise this.