I've written a basic IVR system using UCMA 3.0. It recieves an incoming call then uses the following class to execute a VXML script:
First question - I currently have a large script that does all sorts of things. I'd like to break this script up into smaller pieces and call them using the <goto> tag. This is not working. I'm trying to call a second script using:
<goto next="next_page.vxml"/>
I've tried many different variations of calling the second script file, without success. I always get a 'error.badfetch' error. Does the <goto> tag actually work in UCMA 3.0? How?
Second question - where can i find the output of the <log> tag?
Any help appreciated...
In VoiceXML the goto tag is used to go to another form only. I doubt that next_page.vxml is the name of any form you created. Use this instead:
<submit next="next_page.vxml"/>
Or use the name of a form in the VoiceXML document.
To find out more about the support for VoiceXML in UCMA read this page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/lync/hh243693%28v=office.14%29.aspx (it states that VoiceXML 2.0 is supported, so the goto tag should work when used correctly).