I have this controller.method rendering all things associated to a profile with the correct offset and max for the pagination in the gsp
if (profil) {
def max = params.max ? params.max as int : 5
def offset = params.offset ? params.offset as int : 0
List things = []
things = Things.findAllByProfil(profil,[max: max, offset: offset, sort: 'dtCreated', order: 'desc'])
[profil: profil, things: things, thingsCount: things.size()]
but now i´m having a special "aggregating-Profile" wich has some profiles associated and i want to put all things of all associated profiles in a list like:
if (profil) {
def max = params.max ? params.max as int : 5
def offset = params.offset ? params.offset as int : 0
List things = []
if(profil.typ == 'Aggregate'){
List profiles = profil.profiles?.collect { Profil.collection.findOne(_id:it.id) }
profiles.each() { pr ->
if(pr) {
things+= Things.findAllByProfil(pr as Profil,[max: max,offset: offset, sort: 'dtCreated', order: 'desc'])
things.sort{a,b-> b.dtCreated<=>a.dtCreated}
things = Things.findAllByProfil(profil,[max: max, offset: offset, sort: 'dtCreated', order: 'desc'])
[profil: profil, things: things, thingsCount: things.size()]
but this way i´m using the offset
and max
several times, for each associated profile, so the resulting list is too big.
unfortunetly the result-design should stay the same, so assert params.max == 5 && profil.typ == "Aggregate"
, the first-page´s result is a list with the 5 most recent things of all profiles ( as i put them all in a list and sort them by the dtCreated) and my problem maybe : how to apply the same slicing logic to the aggregated list(and how to aggregate the things in a performant way)
What would be the best approach to solve this problem ?
for any hint thanks in advance
First I'd like to extend on what rcgeorge23 has stated in that you really are better off letting the gorm/database handle your aggregation. Section 6 of the Grails documentation will take you a long way.
In your particular case, you can simply use a built-in comparator with your `findAllBy to handle your aggregation, here's a concrete example:
if(profil.typ == 'Aggregate'){
List profiles = //some code to get a list of profiles
def things = Things.findAllByProfilInList(profiles, [max: max....order: 'desc'])
} else {
Second, your use of pagination is a little off. thingsCount should technically be a simple "select count" matching your criteria, but you're returning matching criteria limited by "max". So use the following for thingsCount
def thingsCount = Things.countByProfilInList(profiles) //for all things with aProfile in list
def thingsCount = Things.countByProfil(aProfile) //for all things with aProfile