I've been having some trouble with Snow Leopard's new block-based API for observing notifications from NSWorkspace's NSNotificationCenter.
If I register for notifications using the traditional selector-based method, then I am able to observe the desired notification. If I try using the new method that takes a block, then it doesn't work.
In the code block below, setting usingBlockNotifications to either YES or NO should produce the same result, i.e. "didReceiveNoticationTest: called" printed to the console when an app launches, but I don't get the message when it's set to YES.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?
BOOL usingBlockNotifications = YES;
_notifcationObserver = nil;
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter];
if (usingBlockNotifications)
_notifcationObserver =
[nc addObserverForName:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification
object:[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *arg1) {
[self didReceiveNoticationTest:arg1];
[_notifcationObserver retain];
} else {
[nc addObserver:self
object:[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]];
-(void)didReceiveNoticationTest:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(@"didReceiveNoticationTest: called");
I daresay this is a bug.
The following code prints both notifications. If you remove the selector version, nothing is printed. If you remove the block version the selector version still prints.
-(void)didReceiveNoticationTest1:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(@"1: didReceiveNoticationTest: called");
-(void)didReceiveNoticationTest2:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(@"2: didReceiveNoticationTest: called");
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter];
[nc addObserver:self
object:[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]];
[[nc addObserverForName:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification
object:[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification* arg1)
[self didReceiveNoticationTest2:arg1];
}] retain]; // this will leak.