I'm writing some code to interact with a database. My solution is to use vectors of various structs to represent each table within the database. I want to create a template inside my Database class to push_back the vector and insert a new (blank) row; however, I can't figure out what to put inside the "push_back(...)". The following kind of makes sense but isn't working. The key is being returned so that I can interact with the vector inside the class later.
template <class T> void Database::newRecord(T& Type, int& key)
key = Type.size()-1;
Type[key].PK = key;
I'd call the routine using the following:
vector<table_row> table;
int key;
newRecord(table, key);
the struct looks something like this:
struct table_row {
int PK;
To me the whole idea reads fishy. But if that is what you want, you can do it without push_back, just do vec.resize(vex.size()+1)
than patch up vec.back()
as you see fit.
I'd suggest to forget "empty" records, but add the actual intended content.