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can I make StateP from Control.Proxy an instance of MonadState?

I am changing some code that used to run inside a StateT monad to run inside of StateP from Control.Proxy. However, some of my code (e.g. the %= operator from Control.Lens) requires a MonadState instance. Is it safe/correct for me to just add such an instance? This seems like something that is most correctly handled by a library (in this case, Control.Proxy).


  • Yes, this is safe. The instance you want is:

    instance (Monad m, Proxy p) => MonadState s (PS.StateP s p a' a b' b m) where
        get = PS.get
        put = PS.put

    I just want to briefly note that in pipes-4.0.0 (which is on Github) the proxy transformers are no longer necessary and the same extensions are outsourced to monad transformers in the base monad. This means that instead of:

    Consumer (StateP s p) a m r

    ... you would use:

    Consumer a (StateT s m) r

    This means that you would then just be able to write:

    lift $ myLens %= f

    However, I still plan on adding MonadState instances for Proxy anyway, although perhaps in a separate package (I still haven't decided whether to include them in the main library yet). They would look like this:

    instance (MonadState s m) => MonadState s (Proxy a' a b' b m r) where
        put s = lift (put s)
        get   = lift get