The swffit download examples run swfobject.js first, then swffit.js. This causes the following...
Reversing the order, i,e. swffit.js first, then swfobject.js...
In summary, I need the swffit's resizability, but also swfobject's error message, but it looks like you can't have both together with these two scripts. Any ideas anyone?
On further investigation, I found it was a placement problem, not a script conflict. If you disable your flash plugin and try the Example Pages (bottom of page) here:
The Basic example (1) shows the swfobject error message, but the Example Page With Maximum Size - Centered (4) does not.
Playing with css on a local file, it turned out the message was there (in 4) but off the screen top left. If you look at (3) Example Page With Maximum Size - Centered Horizontally you can see the problem.
The fix was - in the case of"my_flash",550,289,800,436):
<div id="my_flash" style="position:relative;">
<div style="width:550px;height:289px;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;">
<div style="margin:0 auto;width:120px;text-align:center;margin-top:100px">
error message here
That centers the error message at max width (800px) and minwidth (550px).