How would I redirect to the login page after the user has requested a new confirmation email to be received?
This is not the case where the user logs in for the first time after confirmation like discussed on Stack Overflow. This is about a non-confirmed, not logged-in user requesting a new confirmation email because they did not receive it.
.Instead I want it to go to the login_path
after submit.
I overruled the confirmations controller, but how do I hook into Devise and make it redirect to login_path
class Users::ConfirmationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
layout :resolve_layout
def new
self.resource =
redirect_to login_path
You set this path with the following code inside your confirmations_controller
def after_resending_confirmation_instructions_path_for
login_path # or whatever you want
However, the default is to redirect to new_session_path(resource_name)
which does exactly what you want and so it does for my app.
Maybe it depends on the version of Devise.