Search code examples

MySQL query is returning duplicates when it shouldn't

I have three tables:


| fName  | lName     |  
| Paul   | McCartney |  
| John   | Lennon    |  
| Jon    | Stewart   |  
| Daniel | Tosh      |  
| Steven | Colbert   |  
| Pink   | Floyd     |  
| The    | Beatles   |  
| Arcade | Fire      |  
| First  | Last      |  
| Andrew | Bird      |  


| id | title                                 | year | pageStart | pageEnd |  
|  9 | The Dark Side of the Moon             | 1973 |         0 |       0 |  
| 10 | Piper At The Gates of Dawn            | 1967 |         0 |       0 |  
| 11 | Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band Club | 1967 |         0 |       0 |  
| 12 | Happy Thoughts                        | 2007 |         0 |      60 |  
| 13 | Wish You Were Here                    | 1975 |         0 |       0 |  
| 14 | Funeral                               | 2004 |         0 |       0 |  


| person_id | publication_id | editor | author_number |  
|        11 |             11 |      0 |             1 |  
|        12 |             11 |      0 |             1 |  
|        16 |              9 |      0 |             1 |  
|        17 |             11 |      0 |             1 |  

I'm trying to select all authors of a certain publication using the following query:

SELECT fName , lName 
FROM Publication , Person, Person_Publication 
WHERE = Person_Publication.person_id 
AND Person_Publication.publication_id = 11;

But the results I get are always duplicates (always 6x for some reason). The results:

| fName | lName     |
| Paul  | McCartney |
| John  | Lennon    |
| The   | Beatles   |
| Paul  | McCartney |
| John  | Lennon    |
| The   | Beatles   |
| Paul  | McCartney |
| John  | Lennon    |
| The   | Beatles   |
| Paul  | McCartney |
| John  | Lennon    |
| The   | Beatles   |
| Paul  | McCartney |
| John  | Lennon    |
| The   | Beatles   |
| Paul  | McCartney |
| John  | Lennon    |
| The   | Beatles   |
18 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Can somebody please tell me why this is happening and how to fix this?


  • You are including three tables in your query:

    FROM Publication, Person, Person_Publication 

    but you have only one join condition:

    WHERE = Person_Publication.person_id 

    You end up with a cartesian product between Publication and Person JOIN Person_Publication

    Add the following condition to your WHERE block:

    AND =

    A perfect example of why the explicit JOIN syntax is prefered. With the following syntax:

    SELECT fName, lName 
    FROM Publication
    JOIN Person_Publication ON =
    JOIN Person ON = Person_Publication.person_id
    WHERE Person_Publication.publication_id = 11;

    .. such a mistake simply cannot happen.