I've got a situation much like is presented in Railscast 196-197: Nested Model Form. However, I've encountered a conflict between this approach and strong parameters. I can't figure out a good way to populate the parent record id field on the child object, since I don't want that to be assignable through the form (to prevent users from associating child records to parent records they don't own). I have a solution (see code below) but this seems like the kind of thing Rails might have a clever, easy way to do for me.
Here's the code...
There's a parent object (call it Survey) that has_many child objects (call them Questions):
# app/models/survey.rb
class Survey
belongs_to :user
has_many :questions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions
# app/models/question.rb
class Question
validates :survey_id, :presence => true
belongs_to :survey
There's a form that allows users to create a survey and the questions on that survey at the same time (for simplicity, the code below treats surveys as though they have only question):
# app/views/surveys/edit.html.erb
<%= form_for @survey do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name %>
<%= f.text_field :name %><br />
<%= f.fields_for :questions do |builder| %>
<%= builder.label :content, "Question" %>
<%= builder.text_area :content, :rows => 3 %><br />
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>
The problem is the controller. I want to protect the survey_id field on the question record via strong parameters, but in doing so the questions don't pass validation, since the survey_id is a required field.
# app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb
class SurveysController
def edit
@survey = Survey.new
def create
@survey = current_user.surveys.build(survey_params)
if @survey.save
redirect_to @survey
render :new
def survey_params
params.require(:survey).permit(:name, :questions_attributes => [:content])
The only way I can think to solve this problem is to build the questions separately from the survey like this:
def create
@survey = current_user.surveys.build(survey_params)
if @survey.save
if params[:survey][:questions_attributes]
params[:survey][:questions_attributes].each_value do |q|
question_params = ActionController::Parameters.new(q)
redirect_to @survey
render :new
def survey_params
(Rails 4 beta 1, Ruby 2)
Perhaps the best way to handle this problem is to factor out a "Form object" as suggested in this Code Climate blog post. I'm leaving the question open, though, as I'm curious to other points of view
So the problem you are running into is that the child objects don't pass validation, right? When the child objects are created at the same time as the parent, the child objects could not possibly know the id of their parent in order to pass validation, it's true.
Here is how you can solve that problem. Change your models as follows:
# app/models/survey.rb
class Survey
belongs_to :user
has_many :questions, :inverse_of => :survey
accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions
# app/models/question.rb
class Question
validates :survey, :presence => true
belongs_to :survey
The differences here are the :inverse_of
passed to the has_many
association, and that the Question now validates on just :survey
instead of :survey_id
makes it so that when a child object is created or built using the association, it also receives a back-reference to the parent who created it. This seems like something that should happen automagically, but it unfortunately does not unless you specify this option.
Validating on :survey
instead of on :survey_id
is kind of a compromise. The validation is no longer simply checking for the existence of something non-blank in the survey_id field; it now actually checks the association for the existence of a parent object. In this case it is helpfully known due to :inverse_of
, but in other cases it will actually have to load the association from the database using the id in order to validate. This also means that ids not matching anything in the database will not pass validation.