I have various values in a PHP array, that look like below:
$values = ["news_24", "news_81", "blog_56", "member_55", "news_27"];
The first part before the underscore (news, blog, member) is dynamic so I would like to get all the matches in a specific section (news) followed by the numbers.
Something like below:
$section = "news";
$matches = preg_match('$section/[_])GETNUMBER/', $values);
The solution should return 24, 81, and 27, because only these numbers occurred after news
and the underscore.
$values = array("news_24", "news_81", "blog_56", "member_55", "news_27");
$section = "news";
foreach($values as $value) {
$matches = preg_match("/{$section}_(\\d+)/", $value, $number);
if ($matches)
echo $number[1], PHP_EOL;