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Yii validation compare against related model's Attribute when create new model

I would like to compare one of a newly created model's attributes against a related model's attribute when validating. I'm searching since a while and do not really find any useful informations.

In one of my other models, when updating, this piece of code is working (in the model):

public function compareWithDescendantsKeszDb() {
    $gyermek = $this->descendants(1)->find();

    if ($gyermek <> null) {
        if ($gyermek->keszDb < $this->keszDb) {
            $this->addError('keszDb', Yii::t('validation', 'some error message'));

public function rules() {
    return array(
        array('keszDb', 'compareWithDescendantsKeszDb'),

but the same approach doesn't seem to be working now, maybe it's because it's a create function now. I've tried like so (also in model):

public function compareWithSzeriaGyartmanyDb() {
    $szeriaGyartmany = SzeriaGyartmany::model()->findByPk($this->szeriaGyartmanyId);

    if ($this->db > $szeriaGyartmany->db) {
        $this->addError('db', Yii::t('validation', "Error: maximum you can save is $szeriaGyartmany->db"));

public function rules() {
    return array(
        array('db', 'compareWithSzeriaGyartmanyDb'),

I hope it's somewhat clear what I would like to achieve. Can somebody please point me to the right direction? Thanks a lot!

BR c


  • Try using the safe attribute to validation as shown

     public function rules() {
            return array(
                array('db', 'compareWithSzeriaGyartmanyDb','safe'),