I have the following classes (omit syntax errors please)
class Message {
public Person Recipient
class Person {
public List<Group> Groups
class Group {
public GroupTypesEnum GroupType
I want to generate a count of messages by group type. Example:
The query that I need would output:
Group type: T1, message count: 2
Group type: T2, message count: 1
How can I achieve this in Linq To Entities?
considering that a person might be in zero groups
I know how to achieve this in memory, but I want to use Linq-To-Entities:
Dictionary<GroupTypesEnum, int> count = new ...
foreach (Message msg in db.Messages) {
foreach (Group group in msg.Recipient.Groups) {
This is not so hard with SelectMany
var result = messages
.SelectMany(m => m.Recipient.Groups)
.GroupBy(t => t.GroupType)
.Select(g => new { gType = g.Key, count = g.Count()});
Then result.Dump() - in LinqPad
Full source for my test code is here: https://gist.github.com/hoganlong/5841555