I recently started testing my app on an iPhone 5, and to my alarm, it seems that the CLLocationManager doesn't really work! Although [CLLocationManager headingAvailable]
is YES
, I don't receive any heading updates at all. Strangely, on an iPhone 4, after 30 or so heading updates, locationManager:didUpdateToHeading:
is no longer called. This issue is entirely new. The location manager also returns negative numbers for verticalAccuracy
, so I'm assuming the altitude it is invalid. Here's how I'm creating the location manager:
CLLocationManager* locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
if([locationManager respondsToSelector:@selector(disallowDeferredLocationUpdates)]) {
[locationManager disallowDeferredLocationUpdates];
[locationManager setPausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically:NO];
locationManager.headingOrientation = CLDeviceOrientationFaceUp;
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
locationManager.headingFilter = -1;
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
[sharedSingleton setLocationManager:locationManager];
is just my singleton class that handles some odds and ends, including holding onto a reference to the location manager.
If I need to post any more code let me know. I just don't know what might be causing this strange issue. Thanks!
Seems the solution was obvious and I overlooked it. The delegate was being set to nil just moments after the location manager was started, which explains why on a slower device like the iPhone 4 a few updates were able to come through before the code setting the delegate to nil was run, but on the iPhone 5 it was instantaneous.