I have a problem designing a class that will allow me to draw objects of various shapes.
classvector<Shape*> ShapeCollection
that stores the derived objects i.e. Triangle,Square, Rectangle
At this point I am stuck at what the design of a class should be where as a single 'Drawing' class will do the drawing, consuming an object of 'Shape' class. As the vector will contain different objects of the same base class Shape
. As I have a thread that picks up an object from the vector and once I have an object I must be able to draw it properly.
So more or less below is what I say
class Drawing
void Draw(Shape* shape, string objectName)
// Now draw the object.
// But I need to know which Object I am drawing or use
// switch statements to identify somehow which object I have
// And then draw. I know this is very BAD!!!
// e.g.
case "rectangle":
DrawRectangle((Rectangle*) shape)
//Rest of cases follow
Where as I will have a DrawSquare, DrawTriangle function which will do the drawing.
This must be something that has been solved. There must be a better way of doing this as all this switch statement has to go away somehow!
Any guidance is much appreciated.
@Adrian and @Jerry suggested to use virtual function, I thought of it, but I need to have my Drawing away from the base class Shape
You would use polymorphism.
void DrawShape() = 0;
)That way you can just call DrawShape()
on each of these objects even if it is passed as a Shape object.
Alternatives (NOTE: code has not been tested):
Function pointer, which is like building your own vtable aka delegate.
struct square
void (*draw)(square&);
void drawSquare(square& obj)
// draw square code
// there is no 'this'. must access members via `obj`.
square s;
s.draw = drawSquare;
Functor, which is a class that overrides operator() and also is like a delegate
struct square
// Note that std::function can hold a function pointer as well as a functor.
function<void(square&)> draw;
struct drawSquare
void oparator()(square& obj)
// draw square code
// there is no 'this'. must access members via `obj`.
square s;
square s.draw = drawSquare();
NOTE: 1 and 2 can also be initialised with lambda functions:
square s;
s.draw = [](square& obj) {
// draw square code
// there is no 'this'. must access members via `obj`.
NOTE: 1 could be done with a template:
struct square;
template <void (*DRAW)(square&)>
struct square
void draw()
void drawSquare(square& obj)
// draw square code
// there is no 'this'. must access members via `obj`.
square s<&drawSquare>;
NOTE: 2 could be done with a template as well:
template <typename DRAW>
struct square
void draw()
// First set of parentheses instantiate the DRAW object.
// The second calls the functor.
struct drawSquare
void oparator()(square& obj)
// draw square code
// there is no 'this'. must access members via `obj`.
square s<drawSquare>;
Or alternatively, which would allow the passing of a stateful functor:
template <typename DRAW>
struct square
DRAW draw;
struct drawSquare
void operator()(square& obj)
// draw square code
// there is no 'this'. must access members via `obj`.
square s<drawSquare>;
s.draw = drawSquare();
Inherit from another class that implements the function you want either with a templated base class (IIRC, this was done in the ATL). This is just rolling your own hard-coded vtable and is called the Curiously Recurring Type Pattern (CRTP).
template <class D>
struct shape
inline void draw() { return static_cast<D&>(*this).draw(); }
void draw(square& obj)
// draw square code
// No 'this' available. must access shape members via `obj`.
struct square : public D<square>
void draw()
Have your draw
class inherit from the type of shape
class which inherits from the base shape
struct shape
virtual void draw() = 0;
struct square : public shape
struct drawSquare : public square
virtual void draw()
// draw square code
// you access the square's public or protected members from here
Use a std::unordered_map
#include <unordered_map>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <functional>
struct shape { };
struct square : public shape { };
void drawSquare(shape& o)
// this will throw an exception if dynamic cast fails, but should
// never fail if called from function void draw(shape& obj).
square& obj = dynamic_cast<square&>(o);
// draw square code
// must access shape members via `obj`.
std::unordered_map<size_t, std::function<void(shape&)>> draw_map
{ type_id(square).hash(), drawSquare }
void draw(shape& obj)
// This requires the RTTI (Run-time type information) to be available.
auto it = draw_map.find(type_id(obj).hash());
if (it == draw_map.end())
throw std::exception(); // throw some exception
NOTE: if you are using g++ 4.7, be warned unordered_map
has been shown to have performance issues.