I'm using the express checkout API through the ActiveMerchant gem in a Ruby on Rails app. The whole authorize and capture flow works just fine when is done within 3 hours. But after that my token expires and I lose the transaction. Even if the authorize and capture documentation says that the authorization is valid for 3 days (at least according to https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/howto_admin_authcapture).
So, how can I capture the transaction after the token has expired?
You shouldn't have to be passing your token. You should be following the flow below.
Then then completes the Express Checkout authorization.
Now you would go back a day or two later and perform your DoCapture API where you send over the transaction id that was returned from your DoExpressCheckoutPayment API earlier. You don't send over the token again here. Once you complete the DoCapture, the funds should then show in your account.