In batch, I have trouble doing more advanced calculations with set /a
. Decimals won't work; for example set /a 5/2
only outputs 2
instead of 2.5
. Also batch can't handle large calculations. Is there a way to just make a temp file (like vbs) or call on another program (like calculator) to do the calculation and return it back to the batch file?
The program below as an example of a Batch-JScript hybrid script that allows to evaluate any JScript expression:
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
@echo off
rem Define an auxiliary variable to call JScript
set JScall=Cscript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"
for /F %%p in ('%JScall% Math.PI') do echo Intrinsic value of PI= %%p
for /F %%P in ('%JScall% 4*Math.atan(1^)') do echo Calculated value of PI= %%P
for /F %%S in ('%JScall% Math.sqrt(2^)') do echo Square Root of 2 = %%S
for /F %%t in ('%JScall% 1/3') do set oneThird=%%t
echo One third = %oneThird%
for /F %%o in ('%JScall% %oneThird%*3') do echo One third times 3 = %%o
goto :EOF
// JScript section
Intrinsic value of PI = 3.14159265358979
Calculated value of PI= 3.14159265358979
Square Root of 2 = 1.4142135623731
One third = 0.333333333333333
One third times 3 = 0.999999999999999
You may review the available JScript arithmetic functions at:
This method allows to keep the JScript code in the same .BAT file and is simpler and faster than the VBScript code.