Here is complete example - compiles and runs, writes contents of map to the file and reads it right after:
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string fname("test.bin");
std::map<unsigned,unsigned> testMap;
std::ofstream output(fname.c_str(),std::ios_base::binary|std::ios_base::trunc);
for(std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator iter = testMap.begin();iter != testMap.end();++iter)
unsigned temp = iter->first;
output.write((const char*)&temp,sizeof(temp));
unsigned temp1 = iter->second;
output.write((const char*)&temp1,sizeof(temp1));
std::cerr << temp <<" "<<temp1<<" "<<std::endl;
std::cerr << "wrote bytes.........."<<output.tellp()<<", map size "<<testMap.size()<<std::endl;
std::ifstream input(fname.c_str());
// retrieve length of file:
input.seekg (0, input.end);
unsigned streamSize = input.tellg();
input.seekg (0, input.beg);
char* buff = new char[streamSize];,streamSize);
cerr << "sizeof of input......"<<streamSize << endl;
cerr << "read bytes..........."<<input.gcount() << endl;
return 0;
It gives the following output:
0 103
1 2
5 26
22 4
wrote bytes..........32, map size 4
sizeof of input......32
read bytes...........20
The question is why bytes read does not match bytes written, and how to read/write whole map.
P.S. Online compiler gives me expected output of 32 read bytes, I'm getting wrong output while compiling with Visual Studio 2010 proffesional.
Make sure you're opening the file as a binary file.