I'm facing a coordinate system problem with osmdroid and the recently released GuildWars 2 Map API.
That API returns POIs that I want to add to the map (which display just fine, yeay :)).
One example is:
So, I have coordinates in absolute XY in relation to the whole map's XY size.
But how to convert that to a GeoPoint
that I can use for a marker location?
When I use TileSystem.PixelXYToLatLong(...)
I'm always getting the same result: -84928320, 178593750,0. Which is the bottom right of the world.
I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
It all depends on how those x,y coordinates are meant to be interpreted. A few suggestions:
Try using the map's projection class to convert from pixels to a Geopoint.
IGeoPoint p = mMapView.getProjection().fromPixels(...);
What zoom level are the coordinates expected to be in? If you don't specify a zoom level to the API, then you will need to adjust this accordingly.
Finally, note that osmdroid uses the center of the map as the origin and not the upper-left of the map. So you may need to offset your coordinates by half the world size. To offset them do:
final int worldsize_2 = TileSystem.MapSize(zoomlevel) / 2;
final adjustedX = x - worldsize_2;
final adjustedY = y - worldsize_2;