I'd like to provide a higher level of detail at the class level (in this case actually a Module
) with code samples, etc., but I'm having trouble getting various tags to work.
''' <summary>
''' Here's a summary of <c>SmallCodeChunk</c>
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' Mmm, Skynet?
''' <code>
''' code.CodingItself("that's so meta!")
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' <remarks>
''' <para>Unit testable by replacing the <see cref="Implementation"/> property
''' with a mocked/stubbed <see cref="IThingy"/>.
''' </para>
''' <para>Paragraph of a bunch of stuff. <c>Y</c> is used for <c>True</c> just
''' for the sake of making the universe a (not) better place.
''' </para>
''' </remarks>
I realize that some of the tags used (like <exception>
) probably aren't really valid, but it seems like I should be able to do things like <example>
. And I'd expect some sort of formatting (monospace font maybe?) for <c>
If I'm not doing anything wrong, is there a subset of XML doc tags that are supported for display in the Object Browser?
According to a 2009 article in MSDN Magazine:
Object Browser displays summary, param, return, remarks, typeparam, and exception comments when they exist.
A 2006 post on the MSDN Blogs adds see and seealso to that list.