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Custom Action for installation is executed on uninstall

I have the following WiX XML file:

    <Binary Id='IISCustomActionBinary' SourceFile='$(var.Setup.CustomActions.TargetDir)$(var.Setup.CustomActions.TargetName).CA.dll' />
    <CustomAction Id='IISCustomActionInstall' BinaryKey='IISCustomActionBinary' DllEntry='ConfigureIis' Execute='deferred'/>
    <CustomAction Id='IISCustomActionUninstall' BinaryKey='IISCustomActionBinary' DllEntry='UnconfigureIis' Execute='deferred' />
        <Custom Action='IISCustomActionInstall' Before='InstallFinalize'>
            NOT INSTALLED
        <Custom Action='IISCustomActionUninstall' Before='InstallFinalize'>

The "IISCustomActionInstall" custom action executed not only on installs but also when uninstalling. What have I done wrong?


  • The variable that you should be using is Installed. INSTALLED will be recognized by Windows Installer as a separate user defined variable if I am not mistaken.