Is it possible to plot a CSV field inside an XML file with iReport/JasperReports?
I have an XML file, and one of its fields looks something like this:
How can I use that numbers to create a plot? Or how can I use that numbers to create a subdataset that can be used in a plot?
UPDATE: I've created a String[] variable, with the following variable expression:
So now I have an array of Strings but I still can't find the way to plot it. Any ideas?
This guy also had this problem, nobody answered him: building a Chart with an Array
UPDATE2: now the String[] has been converted to a List with Arrays.asList($F{values}.split(","))
. But I don't know what can I use as Category Expression in the chart series:
As @josefprochazka pointed the solution was to create a Custom DataSource and pass it to the subreport. But I'm not a JasperReports expert and creating a custom datasource took me a while. So here is the solution, with code & tutorials. I will divide it in 3 steps:
implements JRDataSource
(this will be your custom datasource)So, the first step is not that hard once you know how to do it. I've used the following tutorial:
Basically what you have to do is implement two methods: getFieldValue(JRField f)
and next()
. Here is a complete example using 3 fields:
Once you finish that class, create a .jar with it and add it to your projects classpath.
In iReport go to Tools->Options, select "Classpath" tab and add your jar there.
Same in Eclipse if you are using JasperReports there too.
Finally we are going to instantiate our custom DS in the report:
<reportElement uuid="52f64c56-b410-45a7-b391-828ef35e0103" positionType="Float" x="0" y="245" width="555" height="32"/>
<dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[new com.dbelectronics.BandasCSVDatasource($F{csv_field1},$F{csv_field2})]]></dataSourceExpression>
<subreportExpression><![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "your_subreport.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>
As you can see I've called BandasCSVDatasource
with two parameters, each one containing a string with 20 numbers separated by comas.
Well, now you just have to create the subreport and map the fields:
<field name="Verificacion" class="java.lang.String"/>
<field name="Calibracion" class="java.lang.String"/>
<field name="Banda" class="java.lang.String"/>
Then add a chart and use the fields there:
Hope it helps. And thanks again Josef.