I currently have a small Python script that I'm using to spawn multiple executables, (voice chat servers), and in the next version of the software, the servers have the ability to receive heartbeat signals on the UDP port. (There will be possibly thousands of servers on one machine, ranging from ports 7878 and up)
My problem is that these servers might (read: will) be running on the same machine as my Python script and I had planned on opening a UDP port, and just sending the heartbeat, waiting for the reply, and voila...I could restart servers when/if they weren't responding by killing the task and re-loading the server.
Problem is that I cannot open a UDP port that the server is already using. Is there a way around this? The project lead is implementing the heartbeat still, so I'm sure any suggestions in how the heartbeat system could be implemented would be welcome also. -- This is a pretty generic script though that might apply to other programs so my main focus is still communicating on that UDP port.
This isn't possible. What you'll have to do is have one UDP master program that handles all UDP communication over the one port, and communicates with your servers in another way (UDP on different ports, named pipes, ...)