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Retrieving 'App Page' category 'likes' of a user on Facebook

When I use the usual 'like' api call, the response doesn't have any data of category 'App page'. But when i use, /me/likes/App_Page_id, i get a response if I have liked that app page and get a Null response if I haven't.

Is there any way by which I can retrieve all 'App page' category likes on facebook??

Please do help. Thank you.


  • You can use FQL and retrieve all the pages with type="APP PAGE" as following

    select name,page_id,type 
    from page 
    where page_id in (select page_id from page_fan where uid=me())
    and type="APP PAGE"

    This will give all the APP PAGES liked by the user. The prerequisite for this to work is user_likes permission.