I am writing a library that other developers in our company will use. A state machine base class has a ReadOnlyCollection<T>
of allowed states, etc. Developers need to inherit from this class and set the allowed states.
I want to limit them to initialize the ReadOnlyCollection<T>
in the constructor of their derived classes and not be able to modify it later.
If I declare the ReadOnlyCollection<T>
as a read-only property in the base class, that does not work since it cannot be modified in the constructor of the derived class.
I imagine this to be a not-so-uncommon scenario. Any elegant way to achieve this short of having developers override the ReadOnlyCollection<T>
Don't let them initialize by themselves. Make your base class constructor to take the collection as an argument:
public class BaseClass
protected readonly Collection someObject;
public BaseClass(Collection object)
someObject = object
So now when the derived class constructor is called it should call base class constructor also with the collection object otherwise it will be a compile time error. This will make sure that the collection is initialized in the constructor and no where else.
public class Derivedclass : BaseClass
public DerivedClass() : base(/*pass the collection object here*/)
Still there is a pit fall in this, if you get the reference of a collection, you can still modify the collection by calling Add or remove method of the collection in the derived class only thing is you cant reinitialize if its readonly.