How safely can I use the LogParser 2.2 utility while querying the remote server's event log, in terms of CPU/memory/network?
I would like to perform a few event log queries on the production machines, without affecting performance of the running system.
For instance, when I run the below LogParser query:
SELECT QUANTIZE(TimeGenerated, 86400) AS Day, COUNT(*) AS [Total Errors] INTO
outFile.csv FROM \\AServerIWishConnectTo\APPLICATION where message
like '%error to seek%' GROUP BY Day ORDER BY Day ASC
.. would the above affect the "AServerIWishConnectTo" server a lot?
I'll add that the remote server is located in the local intranet.
It's really hard to say.
There are two types of network traffic generated by LogParser when you query remote event logs:
You can turn off resolution of messages by using -fullText:OFF
, but then you won't be able to query for message like '%error to seek%
As for CPU or Memory, querying a remote event log should not use any memory on the server, and a negligible amount of CPU.