I'm currently trying to modify the django-podcast module so the podcast's xml file is statically served instead of being generated on every request for it.
I am attempting to rewrite the channel's xml file every time an episode is modified, created, or deleted and to do so I'm using django signals. What I would like to do is something like this...
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
def update_xml_file(sender, **kwargs):
f = open('channelrss.xml', 'w')
f.write(render_to_string('podcast/show_feed.html', {'object': sender.show}))
class Show(models.Model):
class Episode(models.Model):
show = models.ForeignKey(Show)
The problem I keep running into is that sender.show is a ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor
and not an actual instance of the Show class. I also tried reloading the sender object using sender.pk as the primary key value like this...
but apparently sender.pk returns a property object
and not an integer or string and I don't know how to get it's value, so I guess I have two questions.
How can I retrieve the instance of Show
associated with the Episode
? and what the heck is a property object
and why does sender.pk return it?
Thanks ahead of time for your response!
You can try:
def update_xml_file(sender, instance=False, **kwargs): f = open('channelrss.xml', 'w') f.write(render_to_string('podcast/show_feed.html', {'object': instance.show})) f.close()
when instance.show.name_field
is name_field
of the model.