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Count number of times an item is placed within a cell

I am randomly populating a grid where the cartesian coordinates are normalized from 0 to 100 (100x100x100 grid) and the "intensity" of each data point within is normalized from 0 to 256. Here is an excerpt from my code in perl:

while(sysread(FILE,$data,16)) {
    @row=unpack("f>4",$data);   # input file is binary so I had to convert here
    $x=int((($row[0] - $xmin)/($xmax - $xmin)*10) + 0.5); # max and min variables
    $y=int((($row[1] - $ymin)/($ymax - $ymin)*10) + 0.5); # are previously defined
    $z=int((($row[2] - $zmin)/($zmax - $zmin)*10) + 0.5);
    $i=int(($row[3]/62*256) + 0.5);
    $i=255 if ($i>255);

    $out[$x][$y][$z]=$i;   # simply assigns an intensity for each data
                           # point (in random order), only 1 point can be
                           # added to each 1x1x1 cell

Some points are too close together and are being placed in the same 1x1x1 cell. When this happens, each intensity added overwrites the previous one. How can I count the number of times that more than one point is placed in a cell?

Thanks in advance!


  • You can do this pretty easily with another hash, just join all of your keys ($x,$y,$z) together into a single key and set the hash value to true whenever you insert a value.

    my %visited_points; 
    while(sysread(FILE,$data,16)) {
        @row=unpack("f>4",$data);   # input file is binary so I had to convert here
        $x=int((($row[0] - $xmin)/($xmax - $xmin)*10) + 0.5); # max and min variables
        $y=int((($row[1] - $ymin)/($ymax - $ymin)*10) + 0.5); # are
        $z=int((($row[2] - $zmin)/($zmax - $zmin)*10) + 0.5);
        $i=int(($row[3]/62*256) + 0.5);
        $i=255 if ($i>255);
        my $key = "$x$y$z";
        # check if something already occupies this cell
        if( exists( $visited_points{$key} ) ) {
            # take some other action
        $out[$x][$y][$z]=$i;   # simply assigns an intensity for each data
                               # point (in random order), only 1 point can be
                               # added to each 1x1x1 cell
        # mark that there is something in this cell
        $visited_points{$key} = 1;

    If you wanted to count you count easily just increment the value as well.