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Check if a full text catalog exists in 2000

I'm trying to detect whether a database has a specific full text catalog so that I can either use it or avoid executing part of a script that would create errors without the catalog. I know in sql server 2005 you can use:

IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.fulltext_catalogs WHERE name = 'catalog_name')

But we have to support sql server 2000 still and I can't use that. Is there another way to check for the catalog?


  • The @@version check might need altering, but this should work:

    declare @catalogExists tinyint
    set @catalogExists = 0
    if (@@version like ('%SQL%Server%2000%')) begin
        if exists(SELECT 1 FROM [master].[dbo].[sysfulltextcatalogs] WHERE name = 'catalog_name') 
            set @catalogExists = 1
    else begin
        IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.fulltext_catalogs WHERE name = 'catalog_name')
            set @catalogExists = 1
    print @catalogExists