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Is there a "git pull --dry-run" option in Git?

Is there such a thing as git pull --dry-run to see how stuff will be merged before it messes up my working tree?

Right now I am doing:

git fetch origin && git merge --no-commit --no-ff

I did not see anything in the man page for 'git-pull' related to it.

To clarify, I just need it in an Ant script for deployment to see if there are conflicts when doing git pull, then back off exit out of build, fail deployment and leave that directory tree the same it was before git pull.


  • I have always relied on the inherent abilities of Git to get me back if a merge fails.

    To estimate how the merge might occur, you can start like you did with:

    $ git fetch origin branch  # Fetch changes, but don't merge
    $ git diff HEAD..origin/branch # Diff your current head to the fetched commit
    ... personal judgement of potential merge conflicts ...
    $ git merge origin/branch # merge with the fetched commit

    If things did not go as planned, look at your reflog and reset back to your desired state:

    $ git reflog
    abc987  HEAD@{0}: merge activity
    b58aae8 HEAD@{1}: fetch origin/branch
    8f3a362 HEAD@{2}: activity before the fetch
    $ git reset --hard HEAD{2}