I have so much problems with the raphael.js and i hope anyone can help me.
First Problem: Why they don't draw me two different paths? Is it because it is in the same canvas/div? !SOLVED!
function animateLine(canvas, divName, time, durzeit, colorNumber, pathString) {
$('#' + divName).ready(
function () {
var line = canvas.path(pathString).attr({
stroke: colorNumber
var length = line.getTotalLength();
to: 1
}, {
duration: durzeit,
step: function (pos, fx) {
var offset = length * fx.pos;
var subpath = line.getSubpath(0, offset);
'stroke-width': 1,
stroke: colorNumber
}, function () {
var canvas = Raphael('canvas', 400, 400);
animateLine(canvas, "canvas", "1000", "2000", "#03ae8c", "m87.118,11.764c2.236,7.58,7.497,14.165,9.474,22.045c2.957,11.786,3.704,24.38,2.293,36.434c-1.808,15.449-6.275,29.477-10.602,44.306c-5.588,19.152-6.986,38.342-2.33,57.733c2.296,9.562,7.805,20.21,15.25,26.768c7.399,6.517,16.052,11.587,23.489,18.181c7.456,6.61,9.146,21.192,8.788,30.781c-0.196,5.247-2.378,8.792-4.234,13.449c-1.405,3.526-3.309,6.689-4.824,10.113c-0.353,0.797-0.681,1.17-0.725,2.137");
animateLine(canvas, "canvas", "1000", "4000", "#ff0072",
I wont clean the canvas, all paths will shown. i tried to delete the function canvas.clean(). But than it shows the paths pixelated. thats not the best solution...
Second Problem: I just want the glow effect, but it dont work.
}, function () { $('path[fill*="none"]').glow(); });
I will 'draw'/animate 10 or more different paths, they should start to different times and the glow effect is important. but nothing works, i work on this code since 2 days. should i approach this code in a different way?
edit: other problem.... why they draw my first path once, the second twice, ....? T_T
I have a different solution to that. Look at the DEMO i have created.
Also the code:
var paper = Raphael("notepad", 500, 500);
var path = paper.path("M 50 200 L 120 100 200 190 80 250z");
var shadow = path.clone().scale(0.95).hide();
shadow.glow({width: 8,color: 'orange'});
path.attr({stroke: "black", "stroke-width": 2});
Obviously, you can change the color of glow, scale()
, and modify the glow()
for offsetx
and offsety
. Probably you do not need to use scale()
in your case, but it is useful if you want to create shadow effect.
Hope this is useful.