If I send remote data from Zend_Amf to Flex, if two array properties on the object have the same data values they are deserialized at the remote end with the same memory storage.
Example: AS3 object:
public class TestVO
public var test1:Array;
public var test2:Array;
When this receives remote data from Zend_Amf server, if the array data are identical it allocates the same storage to the two arrays.
Eg: From remote (ZendAMF) object I send:
$this->test1 = array("foo", "bar");
$this->test2 = array("foo", "bar");
When I debug the TestVO object in Flex debugger I get:
test1 Array(@597d779)
test2 Array(@597d779)
ie: they reference the same array object.
If I send from the remote server slightly different values for the 2 arrays:
$this->test1 = array("foo", "bar");
$this->test2 = array("bar", "foo");
In the Flex debugger the TestVO object now has two seperate arrays as you'd expect:
test1 Array(@54cb7e9)
test2 Array(@54cb741)
AMF output looks Ok, it always sends two seperate values for test1/test2 even if they have the same values, so I'm guessing it's the way Flex de-serializes this?
Any ideas? Thanks.
Found bug ZF-7634 on Zend Framework implementation of AMF. It is serializing the arrays incorrectly.