Is it possible to use Python to make a server and use another coding language to create a client side program? I'm using Director 8.5/10 (Made by Adobe, much similar to FlashPlayer) and the server on this scripting language is quite bad. I'm mainly looking for something that will point me in the right direction on what to search for, haven't had much luck w/ google. The server I apparently used last time (found an old .py script I had) utilized the BaseHTTPServer module. Is this the one I should be using for basic data transfer of .txt files for a game?
If worst comes to worse than I'll probably use Java/C++ but I'm hoping I will not have to. Director compiles the source code to a .exe (called a projector) or a shockwave file if that makes any difference. I'm tired of using multiusr.xtra for Director, not only is it slow it only allocates 1000 connections. Any help is much appreciated
Yes, you can create a server and a client in totally different languages and on totally different platforms as long as they exchange data in an agreed upon format. Generally these days the format of choice is JSON though XML was a popular format in the past. Understand that in both cases you're not sending "files" but text data.
You may want to read up on RESTful APIs which are a standard way of representing web services these days.