I am planning to generate direct download link from the client side when user open a document in document details window. In order to do that I want to access noderef of the opened document. Can someone mention how to access noderef of the opened document from alfresco share client side (javascript).
Good for you that I've done that in the past for a customer.
You'll need to change the following files (create a module or just override them)
document-links.get.html.ftl (add a new field like the current page url)
<h3 class="thin dark">${msg("page.download")}</h3>
<div class="link-info">
<input id="${el}-download" value="${document.node.contentURL}"/>
<a href="#" name=".onCopyLinkClick" class="${el} hidden">${msg("page.copy")}</a>
document-links.js (client side JavaScript)
onReady: function DocumentLinks_onReady() { // Display copy links if (this.hasClipboard) { Dom.removeClass(Selector.query("a.hidden", this.id), "hidden"); }
// Make sure text fields auto select the text on focus Event.addListener(Selector.query("input", this.id), "focus", this._handleFocus); // Prefix some of the urls with values from the client Dom.get(this.id + "-page").value = document.location.href; // added Download link var contentURL = Dom.get(this.id + "-download").value; Dom.get(this.id + "-download").value = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/alfresco/d/a" +
contentURL.replace('api/node/content/', ''); }