I am creating a Reddit client for iOS for learning purposes. I am using CoreData, which I set up by following the CoreData Basics NSScreencast and I used Mogenerator to generate the model files.
I added a breakpoint to catch all exceptions and when I call the insertInManagedObjectContext:
class method provided by Mogenerator, the app crashes on the following line:
return [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"AZRedditAccount" inManagedObjectContext:moc_];
This line is in the model that Mogenerator generated (_AZRedditAccount
). When I look at the Variables View, I noticed an odd line which I don't really understand...
What do I need to do to make things work please?
Edit: Here is what I have in my .xcdatamodeld
Edit 2: I added the whole project to Github, thought it might help solve the problem: https://github.com/AzizLight/Reddit
If you debug you see that your ManagedObjectContext (MOC) has no assigned PersistentStoreCoordinator (PSC) and therefore not model. In AZRedditDataModel.m you're initializing the PSC, but you're not retaining it (lines 84-109). If there's no model, the context cannot create any entities, because there's no "blueprint".