I am a newbie to Android app development. In my application, I am declaring a progress bar using "ProgressBar myProgressBar". When I get "myProgressBar.getMax()", I am animating the entire drawable to scale and fit the screens layout using the following XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<scale xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fromXScale="1" android:toXScale="5.0" android:fromYScale="1"
android:toYScale="6.0" android:pivotX="50%" android:pivotY="50%"
android:duration="5000" />
And am doing a "load animation (getApplicationContext(), R.anim.progressbarscale);" to scale the progressbar.
My question is, while the scaling animation is in progress, can I dynamically change the fill color of the progressbar? Can I pause the animation, change color and resume the animation?
I hope I am clear with my question. Please help.
This is not possible with the standard widget, but it is however possible to build your own widget with properties that are normally not possible.